
Live in a better place

Written by Christine Joy Utheim | Dec 2, 2024 2:39:29 PM

They didn´t know anything about salmon or salmon farming when they came to Norway. Now, they both work in the industry at Tytlandsvik Aqua, in Hjelmeland.

A good life with normal jobs 

12 years ago, the married couple Gryta and Tomas were living in Lithuania. They lived in a rather big city, but money was tight.  

– I had to work all the time in order to provide a good life for my family. I had two jobs and spent most of my time at work. It was not a good situation for us. One day, we decided to start looking for a better place to live. 

At the same time, they knew several Lithuanians who had already left to search for happiness elsewhere.  

– My brother moved to Hjelmeland before us. He worked with salmon and found an open spot for Tomas. Everything was so easy! Gryta says.  

Now, they both work in different fish farms within the same company, a land-based salmon farm called Tytlandsvik Aqua. Tomas is a foreman and works with the larval fish. When the salmon grow, they are moved to a different farm where Gryta works. First, she was a technician, now she has moved to an administrative position.  

– The work environment here is truly amazing. Our boss takes such good care of us, he sees us and gives us new opportunities within the company. That is really quite special for us! Smiles Gryta. 

– The system in Lithuania was not as stable as it is here. In Norway, work life is built around families and stability. Here in Hjelmeland, we even have a free kindergarten, so young families can come to stay. The biggest difference for us is that here, you don’t have to be a CEO to have a good life. With normal jobs, we can live, not just survive, says Tomas.  

With three children, they both participate actively in their community. They have bought their own house and taken on roles in the school committee. Several times a week, the whole family practice fencing and compete in the Norwegian club. 

– I´ve never felt like an outsider or felt as if I was being treated as a foreigner. The language was a bit difficult in the beginning, but now I even understand the jokes! Says Tomas.