
To live in a country that believes in freedom and democracy.

Written by Christine Joy Utheim | Dec 3, 2024 9:26:15 AM

Associate Professor and teacher at UiS (University of Stavanger), Damiano Rotondo, has left Francavilla Fontana in the south of Italy – because he loves the sound of the Norwegians. And quite a few other things, too.

The Italian who fell in love with the Norwegian language 

He loves the musical sound of the Norwegian language. Based on this, he decided many years ago that he was going North. Damiano Rotondo is an Italian who came to Norway for the freedom and democracy, the tolerant way of living, and the culture of equality. 

- As a scientist and teacher, I experience a much closer relationship between students and teachers, and between leaders and employees, than I’ve seen anywhere else, says Damiano.  

He left Italy, and now works as an Associate professor at the University of Stavanger.   

When Damiano had finished his PhD in Spain, he went to Trondheim and then back to Spain to work as a researcher. Here, Rotondo met his wife, who is from Panama. But Damiano couldn´t forget about Norway. So, he came back, and brought his wife with him.   

- We live 100 meters from the beautiful surroundings at Mosvannet, and close to the city of Stavanger. We use public transport or bikes every day, and rent a car if we need it. Yes, from time to time there are too many clouds, and heavy rain, but the temperature is mild, and the summers are lovely. We have definitely come to stay!