The perfect wave

The tight labor market hit Norway after the financial crisis in 2013 and sent job-searcher Andreas Florian Ente on an application-journey from east to west. In Stavanger, he finally found the job he was looking for – along with quite a few other joys.
– The good waves aren’t that frequent today, Andreas Florian Ente states, before he enters the North Sea again, ready to catch another. He’s always on the hunt for the perfect wave.
Ente is enjoying every minute, soaking up the beautiful light over Jæren. Quite the start to an ordinary Tuesday morning.
At around 06.00, the parking lot at Sele starts to fill up, and occasionally, Andreas` white and yellow VW T3 "camper" from 1987 joins in.
– I have realized I can't live at Jæren without surfing, says Andreas. For him, enjoying the environment in this region is a very important reason why he and his family chose to stay here.
– We enjoy hiking, paddling, kitesurfing, skiing and climbing. Not to mention all the good things about living in a city like Stavanger.
He spends a lot of his free time in the wild and finds it very easy to get around, whether it's in the mountains or by the sea.
To Norway for a peaceful environment
Ente grew up in Norway with his sister and brother and his Dutch parents. They used to be farmers in the Netherlands, but eventually wanted to move somewhere quieter and more peaceful. They chose Norway and the family established themselves at Hamar.
– When I finished my bachelor and became an electrical power engineer in renewable energy, it was hard to find a suitable job. I didn´t want to work within oil and gas-related companies and was very satisfied when I got the job-offer in Lnett, he explains.
Lnett is a company that serves the region with a power grid, and Andreas works as a planner of new transformer stations.
In spite of Andreas’ environmental focus, he drives a diesel-car. Believe it or not. But he has a very good reason for doing so.
– I believe I contribute to a more sustainable society by reusing old things, like my old car, Andreas says with a smile.
– This car is so much more than a car, it’s an experience. It’s a cabin on wheels and we will keep it as long as we can! It contains all you need for some days or months off; a kitchen, beds and couch, fridge, and storage for both of our surf boards.
– We love the charm of driving a retro car and we love to spend time here, says Andreas.
This summer, Andreas, his partner and little Ivar (three months) are going on a road trip to the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, and maybe Portugal, if the camper lets them. Hopefully,there will also be time for some surfing!