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Giving my children access to the Norwegian school system

At my job as an operator at Rekefjord Stone, I am loading ships with stone and contributing to maintenance. I am learning Norwegian, getting to know people, and experiencing the Norwegian work culture – and I really like it.


Ready for a family adventure    

After a year in Paraguay, where the family was having a year off doing farm work, Thomas Blind and his family decided they wanted to go to Norway, instead of settling down at home in Bavaria again. They sold their belongings, said goodbye to their families and headed north, to Hauge I Dalane, a small community in Rogaland.  

  For my wife and I, it was crucial to find the best school alternative for our two children. In Germany, the school system is much stricter and includes very little play time, Thomas says. 

 Together with his wife Angie, they met a Norwegian couple who work as teachers, and got the sense that Norway had the school system they were looking for.  

  “Og her er vi”, says a very satisfied Thomas in flawless Norwegian. They just arrived a few months ago, and now find themselves among very kind people, colleagues, with a rented apartment and a borrowed car. Life is smiling for the German family.    


- What we have here is fantastic. Our children are open minded and have already learned a lot about Norway, says Thomas with his wife Angie, son Silas and daughter Pryo.

As an entrepreneur with leadership skills and a fearless way of being, Thomas landed a job at Rekefjord Stone, where he loads ships that arrive at the docks. It´s not what he was used to do back in Germany, where his job mostly consisted of planning and building roads. Now, the family is slowly settling into the small community and their new way of life.  

Our kids are very happy to be here, and we are too. We felt safe, and right at home after just a few months.  
